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Top amenities
We aim to curate the best stay possible for our guests, so we love providing amenities!
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Our breakfast buffet is our pride and joy, and is one of our most loved features. It always contains hot food (sausage/egg/bacon/biscuits and gravy), baked goods (muffin/pastry), a fresh fruit platter, yogurt, and a range of breads/bagels and jellies. For drinks we provide tea, coffee and assorted juices.


Seven of our rooms have fireplaces in them, which adds a quaint charm to the accommodation and a beautiful center piece to these rooms. If you don't have a fireplace in your room, there are others in communal areas which you are free to enjoy. We are happy to light the in-room fireplaces from October-April for an additional charge.

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Swimming pool

Come and enjoy our beautiful outdoor pool, open Memorial Day -September (subject to weather). We can provide you with pool towels and a floaty or two, and there is plenty of space around the pool to sit and relax. 

beautiful communal areas

At the Inn we have a number of rooms on the ground floor which you are welcome to use as a guest night and day. We have three sitting areas, one of which doubles as a library, and all of which you are welcome to play as many of our board games as you like! We also have a good number of puzzles, and a beautiful view from which (on a clear day) you can see the mountains!

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Jump Off Rock

  • FREE WiFi in all rooms
  • FREE private parking, available on site
  • A TV in ALL rooms
  • Air conditioning and heating in ALL rooms
  • An outdoor fireplace and furniture, for cozy summer nights
  • Family rooms, available on request
  • Newspapers, available on request
  • A library, which all guests are welcome to use
  • A Honeymoon suite
  • Easy access to beauty spots including 'Jump off Rock' - as seen opposite